Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Card of the Day: The Moon. Yeah, I got all that.


Celtic:  XVIII Sadbh ~ Sadbh is lured away from Almuhin.  With an illusion which re-evoked the appearance of Flinn and of his hounds, his spouse, Sadbh, was lured far away and was never glimpsed again by mortal eyes.

Illusions, visions, dreams, gentleness, deception, night.

Viking:  XVIII Mani ~ The Vikings viewed masculine aspect in the moon and feminine aspect in the sun.  The moon is the nocturnal light that captures light and controls it:  A magical being who dies in is born again for all eternity.  According to Viking myth, Mani was also a man who, while he was dying, gave himself up to the sun and became its slave.

Visions, magic, eccentricity, mistakes due to whims

My book says this card represents fear, illusion, imagination, bewilderment. 

Feeling fear:  releasing inner demons, feeling a nameless apprehension, lacking courage, being overcome by anxieties... yeah, I got that.

Believing illusions: accepting a flase picture, deceivin yourself, having unrealistic ideas, misapprehending the truth, experiencing distortions... yeah, I got that.

Stimulating the imagination: having vivid dreams, entertaining unusual thoughts, being outlandish and bizarre... yeah, I got that.

Feeling bewildered: losing direction and purpose, having trouble thinking clearly, becoming confused, being easily distracted, feeling disoriented, wandering aimlessly... yeah, I got ALL that too.

Once again my deck nailed it. My card of the day... nailed it.

yay me.

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