Saturday, August 23, 2014

Playing with photos: Finding a new look

Shiny photos is something that is so very important to shiny making. And something so very difficult to do. I've tried several different things, and was rather satisfied with the vintage looking brown and burgundy tree background I had going on. Mostly. Sadly, it wasn't the best for all shiny. Was ok, but... not great.

Lately, I've been looking into branching out with things like juried art shows, contests, publications maybe... I dunno exactly yet, but whatever I branch out into, it all requires photos be submitted. Fabulous photos that make an impact, look professional and make people take notice.  Easy peasy, no pressure....

*sigh* or not.

I figured the best way to start trying to figure out what I want things to look like was to just start playing. I went and got some plain neutral backgrounds that will hopefully go with /everything/, reset up the light box, grabbed a couple of my favorite pieces and set at it. What I came up with was this...

 Sonora Sunrise Cab Tree...

Garnet Medallion...

 Before they looked like this...

Whatch'ya guys think? Do the new photos look more professional? Have more impact? Show off the shiny better?

Or should I just leave well enough alone lol.

I'd love to know what you think :D

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. The new background makes your pieces so yummy to look at!!



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